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التسجيل سيضيف لك مميزات جميله غير موجوده لدى الزوار كما ان التسجيل ميسر وبطريقه سهله غير معقده ومجانى كذلك وايضا سيجعل الاخبار اقرب لك حيث سيصلك كل جديد على رسائل الايميل ان كنت من اعضاء هذا المنتدى
مع تحيات اداره منتديات الدر سيتى
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 Eagles - Long Road Out of Eden 2007 2 CDs, Exclusive Ripped

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
هشام الدر
(((((المدير العام )))))
  (((((المدير العام )))))
هشام الدر

عدد الرسائل : 1978
تاريخ الميلاد : 06/04/1978
العمر : 46
الــبلد : مصر
الوظيفه : https://www.facebook.com/ShbabBlaml
Loisirs : https://www.facebook.com/ShbabBlaml
اسمك الحقيقى : آتش™ آتش
علم دولتك : Eagles - Long Road Out of Eden 2007 2 CDs, Exclusive Ripped Female31
تاريخ التسجيل : 22/05/2007

Eagles - Long Road Out of Eden 2007 2 CDs, Exclusive Ripped Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Eagles - Long Road Out of Eden 2007 2 CDs, Exclusive Ripped   Eagles - Long Road Out of Eden 2007 2 CDs, Exclusive Ripped I_icon_minitimeالثلاثاء 20 نوفمبر - 16:20

[size=21][color:5c54=#ff0000]E[/color][/size]xclusive [color:5c54=#ff0000]E[/color]agles - Long Road Out of Eden 2007

[img][ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

One of the most popular, successful rock bands of all time, the Eagles are back with a brand new album. Entitled 'Long Road Out Of Eden', it will be their first full studio album release in 28 years. The album features a wealth of Don Henley/Glenn Frey co-writes and a broad palette of musical styles most representative of the band's "Hotel California" and "The Long Run" eras, a mix of lengthy set pieces and more Cali-rock, radio-oriented gems.Long Road Out of Eden is the seventh studio album by American rock band the Eagles and will be released on October 30, 2007.


[color:5c54=#ff0000]Disc 1[/color]

[color:5c54=#ff0000]01[/color]. No More Walks In The Wood

[color:5c54=#ff0000]02[/color]. How Long

[color:5c54=#ff0000]03[/color]. Busy Being Fabulous

[color:5c54=#ff0000]04[/color]. What Do I Do With My Heart

[color:5c54=#ff0000]05[/color]. Guilty Of The Crime

[color:5c54=#ff0000]06[/color]. I Don't Want To Hear Any More

[color:5c54=#ff0000]07[/color]. Waiting In The Weeds

[color:5c54=#ff0000]08[/color]. No More Cloudy Days

[color:5c54=#ff0000]09[/color]. Fast Company

[color:5c54=#ff0000]10[/color]. Do Something

[color:5c54=#ff0000]11[/color]. You Are Not Alone


[hide][url=http://rapidshare.com/files/65819667/Road_Out_Of_Eden_2007_CD1.zip][color:5c54=#000000][color:5c54=palegreen]Download Disc 1 @ RapidShare[/color][/color][/url]

[url=http://zero10.net/m.php?id=3444][color:5c54=#ff0000][color:5c54=palegreen]Download Disc 1 @ Files.To[/color][/color][/url]

[url=http://zero10.net/m.php?id=3445][color:5c54=#000000][color:5c54=palegreen]Download Disc 1 @ BlueHost.To[/color][/color][/url]

[url=http://zero10.net/m.php?id=3448][color:5c54=#ff0000][color:5c54=palegreen]Download Disc 1 @ MegaShare.Us[/color][/color][/url]

[url=http://zero10.net/m.php?id=3443][color:5c54=#000000][color:5c54=palegreen]Download Disc 1 @ Archive.Org Direct Link[/color][/color][/url]
[/hide][b][font:5c54=Times New Roman (Arabic)][color:5c54=#ff0000]عفوا صاحب الموضوع تعب بالموضوع ارجو الرد على الموضوع لكي تظهر الروابط .. ادارة المنتدى

[color:5c54=#ff0000][size=21]Disc 2

[/size][color:5c54=#ff0000]01[/color][/color]. Long Road Out Of Eden

[color:5c54=#ff0000]02[/color]. I Dreamed There Was No War

[color:5c54=#ff0000]03[/color]. Somebody

[color:5c54=#ff0000]04[/color]. Frail Grasp On The Big Picture

[color:5c54=#ff0000]05[/color]. Last Good Time In Town

[color:5c54=#ff0000]06[/color]. I Love To Watch A Woman Dance

[color:5c54=#ff0000]07[/color]. Business As Usual

[color:5c54=#ff0000]08[/color]. Center Of The Universe

[color:5c54=#ff0000]09[/color]. It's Your World Now


[hide][url=http://rapidshare.com/files/65816204/Eagles_road_out_of_eden_2007_cd2.zip][color:5c54=#ff0000][color:5c54=green]Download Disc 2 @ RapidShare[/color][/color][/url]

[url=http://zero10.net/m.php?id=3438][color:5c54=#000000][color:5c54=green]Download Disc 2 @ Files.To[/color][/color][/url]

[url=http://zero10.net/m.php?id=3441][color:5c54=#ff0000][color:5c54=green]Download Disc 2 @ BlueHost.To[/color][/color][/url]

[url=http://zero10.net/m.php?id=3440][color:5c54=#000000][color:5c54=green]Download Disc 2 @ MegaShare.Us[/color][/color][/url]

[url=http://zero10.net/m.php?id=3437][color:5c54=#ff0000][color:5c54=green]Download Disc 2 @ Archive.Org Direct Link[/color][/color][/url]
[/hide][b][font:5c54=Times New Roman (Arabic)][color:5c54=#ff0000]عفوا صاحب الموضوع تعب بالموضوع ارجو الرد على الموضوع لكي تظهر الروابط .. ادارة المنتدى[/b][/color][/font]
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Eagles - Long Road Out of Eden 2007 2 CDs, Exclusive Ripped
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